Meet Kalada's litter of seven F5 Stud Book Traditional (SBT) kittens, born January 7, 2020. They are growing and their great personalities are shining through - new pictures added on April 10, 2020!
They all now have their forever homes. We are expecting another litter from Kolada in June. Stay tuned to see some more wonderful kittens from her.
Energy with a little bounce in her step! Keira is an F5 snow Savannah female. With her spots and rings on her tail, she will grow to be a beautiful girl. This little cuddly, beautiful one is being retained in our cattery as a future queen.
What a cutie! Kanga is an F5 brown-black spotted (BST) Savannah female with beautiful markings including great, dark spots. She is full of curiosity and energy, sure to be a great addition to Lacie and Joseph's family in Myrtle Beach SC.
Full of spunk! John is an F5 snow Savannah with a delicate face and dark tips on his ears. He will grow into being a great stud in Thomas' new San Jose CA cattery.
Sugar (Sug for short) is a charmer! He is an F5 snow Savannah who is one of the bigger of the kittens. He loves to snuggle with his litter mates and captivates you with his big eyes. He is going home with Amir in Washington D.C.
Great spots and stunning tail, Tivali is always on the move. She is an F5 brown-black spotted (BST) Savannah who has a gentle face with great, big eyes who is joining Colette and Stephen in Boston in her forever home.
Quiet demeanor with a hint of mystery! Koji is an F5 snow Savannah with a white coat and spots starting to show. Small but mighty and read to be a life-long companion for Anastasia in Charlotte, NC.
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With a dark nose and tail, Kasper is set to grow into a stunning cat. He is an F5 snow Savannah who has a gentle side while still full of curiosity. He is being retained in our cattery as a future stud.